it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.                                                                                                                            Maya Angelou

Beautiful one, my name is Carlene Kupke

I help people release all their limiting thinking, fear, phobias, beliefs and behaviours about themselves so that can live their best life. 


I never really understood why I felt so unhappy, unsure, lost fearful, anxious and unfulfilled in life. On the outside I seemed to have it all, but really I was avoiding and not facing what was going on inside. 

I attracted a lot of bullying and narcissistic behaviour over much of my life and this caused immense stress, anxiety and wonder about “What’s wrong with me?” I withdrew myself from people and situations, because I feared being hurt again. This in itself created many unconscious habits to protect myself, and never get close to people ever again.

On top of that the car accident that nearly took my life when I was a teenager, continued to surface as PTSD. With panic attacks, fainting, fear of driving in the country and more. Something I had hidden from everyone for 20 years, out of shame and embarrassment that I was not coping.

Without fully understanding all of this and how to deal with the emotions, this affected my relationship with my husband as well. To the point where I wasn’t sure if this relationship would last much longer.

I always made sure though, I was smiling in public, as I didn’t want to bring attention to myself. My work was always professional and on point, by being positive all day everyday, but as the years went on the emotional impacts became harder to hide.  

Out of desperation for answers, and in need of some respite from life. I was given an opportunity to teach in Cambodia, something I always wanted to do. So I quit my 18 year teaching career into the unknown, and that’s when the real journey began.

I had to stop running from life and really face the truth of how I was feeling. I had to stop the self sabotage, excessive exercise, emotional eating and drinking. I had hit rock bottom and finally I accepted I needed help.

Not knowing where to turn next, I starting asking questions, seeking solutions through different avenues. 

Other unexpected events led me to finding – Hypnotherapy, Resource Therapy, Energy Healing, NLP and Time Line Therapy and they were my saviours. 

I received instant relief from the very first session I had with these therapies. I finally started taking back control of my life. 

As I dug deeper into my studies and healing myself, I became so fascinated it drew me into an exhilarating 8 year self development healing journey.

Over time I healed many emotions, a lot of hurt, anger, sadness, frustration, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, betrayal felt and more. I forgave and let go of friends that hurt me, I truly understood the freedom of what forgiveness gave me. I completely healed my PTSD and the fear of driving on highways. The anxiety, social anxiety melted away and I finally learnt it was perfectly ok to feel different emotions, and I was no longer bottling them all up inside. 

I created so much more happiness in my life and with my husband. We both started growing and healing together, and facing our childhood subconscious programs, habits, judgements and memories that was impacting our relationship in a big way. Love, acceptance and compassion started to flow between us, and a feeling like we were finally on the road upwards.

I finally could see the light at the end of a long dark tunnel of depression, feeling lost, alone, trauma, anxiety and more. It all lifted the day I decided to heal myself.

I could finally feel I was worth it, and I didn’t have to hide out of shame or feeling like there was something wrong with me. The fear of criticism and rejection, habits of people pleasing dissolved. I started to feel confident, passionate, alive and uplifted once again.

I knew I was here to do more in this world, and to show others that it is possible as well. That life didn’t have to be a struggle anymore, with the right tools, therapies and professionals it is all possible to live the most amazing life.

I now know anything is possible in our life, we are only limited by our mind, our past experiences, the way we perceive situations and the way we think.

I approach all my Hypnotherapy sessions with a real sense of compassion, non-judgement and complete acceptance. I understand what it’s like to feel array of emotions, but I also know it’s possible to completely heal from it all as well and live a completely different life.

I am here to show you your true potential and how unlimited you truly are!

If you would like to book a session with me, please send me an email, text, phone call or book directly online.

I am happy to help you in anyway.

Much love and happiness



Qualifications used during Hypnotherapy sessions:

Napoleopn Hill Institute Global Coach

Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy – The Australian Academy of Hypnosis

Diploma of Magnetic Energetics – The Australian Academy of Hypnosis

Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis – Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy 

Clinical Hypnotherapy – Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

Introspective Hypnosis – Antonio Sangio

Clinical Resource Therapist (RT) – Resource Therapy International

Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (Clinical EFT Tapping) – EFT Universe

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) Practitioner Level 2 

Hypnotherapy Practitioner (Hypnosis) – Evolve Mind Body Coaching

Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP)

Time Line Therapy Practitioner (TLT)


Qualifications used during Advanced energy healing sessions: (all qualifications completed at Elysian Sanctuary)

Usui Reiki Master Teacher & Healer

Seichim Reiki Master Teacher & Healer

Karuna Reiki Master Teacher & Healer

Shiloh Rae Master Teacher & Healer

Shamballa Energy Healing Practitioner

Dragon Alchemy Healer

Dragon Sage Book 2 and 3 Healer

Chakra and Crystal Healing Practitioner

Egyptian Emotional Cleanse Essential Oils Practitioner

Past Life Healing

Lords of Karma Practitioner

Soul Core Damage Healing and Etheric Surgery

Napoleon Hill Global Coach 

Bachelor of Secondary Education – University of South Australia


My connection has become so flowing since our session. I’ve had to send love to that previous memory several times and wish it well but remind myself it has no place in this life any more. And things have really started to change. My weight continues to drop and I can see and feel the difference. My clothes are looser. I’m finally listening to my heart and my soul. Your session gave me the clarity to do that. Once you helped me identify clearly what the issue was, I knew what I needed to do. So thank you Carlene. I feel such lightness and clarity.

Carmen Cook, Tasmania

I had a fantastic Hypnotherapy session with Carlene yesterday. It was to let go of grief. Carlene listened so well and asked all the appropriate questions. She also listened to what was NOT being said. After some time  I could feel the sadness shifting to happiness.

It is really amazing what this therapy can do when led by an highly professional therapist like Carlene!

Thank you and I would highly recommend you to reach out to her.




Jacquelyn Haley, UK

Thank you!

The appointments we had were so helpful! Using Hypnotherapy to release what was not needed in my life. Also the Mind set coaching and EFT tapping techniques provided for at home support has given me strength to also help myself when I don’t have a session.

I appreciate you!




Karen Kelley, USA